Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Long Wait is Over!

I was beginning to put on some weight that I seemingly lost during my 6-month treatment with GnRH. I wasn't eating a lot but I noticed that my jeans were getting tighter (now I really have to get new ones), my tummy's bulging and my hips were getting fuller.  My officemates were quick to note that indeed I gained weight. At least they said I looked a lot healthier than the previous months, when my uniform seemed to be so loose and I looked like a zombie.

It was December... amid all the hustle and bustle and the rush of the holidays.  Everybody seemed so busy, I myself was busy with a lot of things. Literally, I got so preoccupied that I even forgot that I'm expecting my monthly visitor whose been absent for more than 8 months!

Parties were everywhere! Late night gimmicks and pigging out. Everything seemed to be "normal" for me. I went by my daily routine. Until one day, out of the blue, I just thought of texting my OB why hasn't my period arrived? She was quick to respond that it is actually ok not to have it soon so my endo won't recur just as fast. But she said I can do a pregnancy test just to be sure. A what?!  Yes. A PREGNANCY TEST.

I was nervous when she told me about doing a pregnancy test. First time jitters, i must say. Honestly, even if we've been married for quite sometime I never used a home pregnancy test (HPT)...ever... Simply because before I had this thinking that if I don't get my period in a month, that means I'm pregnant-- because my period was never late nor absent (not until I had the GnRH shots). So in short, the idea was kind of new to me. Funny, isn't it?

My hubby bought an HPT and I was reluctant to use it.  So many things were running in my head.  But I have to do this. I need to find out. And so I did. That was early morning of December 17, 2011. And the result:  NEGATIVE.

I didn't know what to feel then.  I immediately grabbed the HPT and threw it in the trash.  I was disappointed. And I didn't want anybody seeing it.

That afternoon, my husband asked me if I did my homework. I just answered with a nod with no reaction whatsoever. I just felt so insecure that moment more so when I saw the way he reacted to my reply. We were walking then, out in the busy street full of people but he couldn't hide his dismay. If he could only pound his fist over something, he would have done so.  He must have expected too much. I was just silent.

After that day, we didn't talk about it anymore. I guess it hurts to discuss things. We just let it be.

The next two weeks were busier.

We were supposed to welcome the new year with my family but then my husband asked if he could celebrate with his family this year since we spent last year with mine.  I obliged.  So we made the 5-6 hour trip to the province. We did the last minute grocery shopping. Very very stressful. 

They were also having their annual get together. We were hopping from one house to another, one village after the other trying our best to visit his relatives, getting to know each extended family member. It was fun and tiring all at the same time.

Since I could not absent from work because of the backlogs, we headed back to Manila. Even with a tired body, I dragged myself to the office.  I remember having sleepless nights. Oh... the drinking sprees? the motorbike rides? the clumsy parlor games? 

Aunt Flo hasn't arrived but I'm having occasional abdominal cramps and slight brownish discharge from time to time. My bosom were a bit sore as well. Just as when I'm about to have my period.  To me, everything was just NORMAL because I'm about to have my period except that my hips were getting wider and I found it even harder to fit in my working clothes.  

My officemates kept nagging me to do an HPT but for fear of disappointment, I won't budge. I was in denial.  And I don't want to see that look in my hubby's face again. It will definitely break my heart :(

My peers constant pressuring finally caused me to finally give in. I bought an HPT secretly. I did the test when everybody was asleep. I peed in a small container and used the pipette to put a few drops in the kit. It was kind of funny because I rushed downstairs as if I didn't want to see the result. After a few minutes, with a heart pounding so hard and fast, I went back to check on it. Guess what I saw?

10 January 2012 @ 05:24 :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our Support

With a number of doctors confirming I have endometriosis and adenomyosis, I began researching more about these conditions.

I downloaded bits and pieces of information: from diets, supplements, management, treatments etc. and even purchased related books that might be helpful.


I (hoped) to  also post here the many articles I downloaded from the Internet, which I compiled as guide specifically including diets, remedies and many other useful information about endometriosis and adenomyosis. You may send me an e-mail if you want copies of these readings.

Himalayan Goji Juice
Aside from following the ENDO DIET, me and my husband took these two very special supplements which we believed helped us in prepping our bodies for healthy conception. For inquiries on these amazing products, you may send an SMS or call +639279213310.
Jule of the Orient

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition that can cause severe pelvic and abdominal pain, excess menstrual bleeding and/or infertility. Western medicine often misses an endometriosis diagnosis until the woman has had symptoms for many years. Far less invasive, risky or costly than drugs or surgery, acupuncture is a natural approach, without side effects. It helps to relieve pain, regulate circulation and correct Qi energy imbalances.


I joined support groups and found comfort in the words of women who have the same condition as mine and hope from those who successfully conceived even with endo. I shared what I'm learning from the forums and blogs with my husband. He was reluctant at first but then seeing I am getting more and more optimistic each day somehow made him relieved.

Girl Talk in Female Network and EndoPhil in Yahoo Groups are just two of the many forums I visited which helped us in our journey and search for answers, treatments, and even alternatives. I felt I was stronger when I can identify with these women that though we don't see each other, there's this bond and compassion for everyone. I felt the 'virtual hugs' and the sincerity that comes with it.

I told myself, if these women and their partners were able to overcome the struggles, why can't we?


We couldn't discount the support we got from our family and friends who constantly provided us with encouraging and soothing words. And of course, to the Lord God Almighty thru Jesus Christ's intercession. Faith can move mountains and prayer is our best weapon. :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The ENDO Diet


Let's start with pain and hormones in relation to diet …………

Endometriosis is an estrogen-sensitive condition, but the painful menstrual cramping that occurs is predominantly due to prostaglandin synthesis in the body. Prostaglandins are naturally occurring fatty acids, which are derived from dietary sources. The body can produce different types of prostaglandins through a complex series of pathways. 

There are the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’ of the prostaglandin group. The goal of a controlled diet is to block the ‘bad guys’ for their negative actions on the body, and increase the ‘good guys’ for their opposite and beneficial actions. The action of the bad guys is to increase uterine contractions, and the good guys have a soothing effect. By changing the types of oils that are taken into the diet, the production of the good guys can be stimulated, which helps with uterine relaxation. These oils are composed of omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to positive prostaglandin production. Excellent sources of the omega-3 fatty acid producing oils are:

  • evening primrose
  • Walnut oil
  • flax seeds/oil
It is also important to decrease intake of those fatty acids that will stimulate the bad guys which are found in saturated fats, butter, animal and organ meat, lard.  In addition to decreasing bad fat intake, the diet should also consist of high fiber. Not only does this help with good digestion, but it is also thought that a diet high in fiber can decrease total circulating estrogens. It is recommended to incorporate 25 grams per day of fibre. Good sources are:

  • whole grains excluding wheat and rye
  • beans, peas and pulses
  • brown rice
  • vegetable and fruits
  • oatmeal
The following foods are recommended to modulate estrogen levels by incorporating one or two servings a day:
  • mustard greens
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • turnips
  • wheat * - this includes breads, cakes and pasta products, all based on wheat
  • red meats - promotes negative prostaglandins
  • refined and concentrated carbohydrates - bread, flour, cakes made from refined flours
  • refined sugars and honey - causes inflammatory reaction
  • alcohol - consumes vit B stored in the liver
  • caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks -increases abdominal cramps and increases estrogen levels
  • chocolate - as it contains sugars
  • dairy produce including all milk and cheese - inflammatory
  • fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats - can stimulate negative prostaglandins
  • soy products and soy protein products - tamari can be used in small amounts
  • tinned and frozen packaged foods as little as possible
  • additives and preservatives - increase chemical load on the system

Note: Meat, dairy and eggs, promote the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.


  • beans, peas, lentils
  • onions
  • garlic (raw or lightly cooked)
  • carrots (contain beta-carotene)
  • live yogurt (good for healthy intestinal flora)
  • rhubarb
  • seeds and sprouted seeds
  • ginger
  • green tea
Foods containing natural plant sterols (phytoestrogens) can be helpful. They are thought to block the estrogen receptors, so in turn excess estrogen in the body cannot ‘lock-in’ to these receptors. These include:
  • peas, beans and pulses
  • red and purple berries
  • garlic
  • apples
  • parsley
  • fennel
  • brassicas: cabbage, cauliflower etc
  • nuts and seeds
  • celery, carrots
  • rhubarb
  • sage
Although the best source of vitamins and minerals is through a well balanced diet, many foods today are depleted in these vital trace elements. Today, most of us need to supplement our diet with some of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally.
The following is a list of supplements that will help women with Endometriosis:
  • Magnesium - is a mineral and is believed to ease cramping with menstruation
  • Zinc - is essential for enzyme activity, helping cells to reproduce which will help with healing. Zinc is also reported to boost the immune system and helping to create an emotional sense of well-being
  • Calcium - levels of calcium in menstruating women decrease 10 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, headache or pelvic pain.
  • Iron - women with Endometriosis tend to have very heavy periods which can lead to an iron deficiency. This can lead to anemia which is characterized by extreme fatigue and weakness.
  • B vitamins - these are important for the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body. B vitamins are reported to improve the emotional symptoms of Endometriosis, and have proved helpful in dealing with PMT
  • Vitamin C - is well known for helping to boost the immune system and help provide resistance to disease. It is also used in the body to build and maintain collagen within the body.
  • Vitamin A - is another immune system booster
  • Vitamin E - plays an important role by increasing oxygen carrying capacities and also strengthens the immune system
  • Selenium - when taken together with vitamin E has been reported to decrease inflammation associated with Endometriosis, as well as immune system booster.
  • Certain vegetables have substances that activate liver enzymes and help the liver to detoxify chemicals. This allows the liver to eliminate excess estrogen from the body more effectively. These vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts.
  • Auto immune diseases are thought to be triggered by free-radicals in the body, which could be an added factor in Endometriosis. Free radicals are destructive molecules and are found naturally in the body but can be made worse by pollution, stress, illness and smoking. There are minerals and vitamins that will help to fight off these free-radicals because of their antioxidant properties, including: vitamins A,C,E, CoQ10, selenium, vitamin B complex, as well as specific supplements being sold specifically as Antioxidants.
  • It is very common for women with Endometriosis to suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I used to suffer from it myself, and it took quite a while to define which foods would trigger it off. These triggers can vary from one woman to another. Even simple things like drinking a hot drink when it was too hot would trigger it off in me. You need to really pay attention as to what your own subtle triggers are, as well as which foods will set it off.
  • increase omega-3 fatty acids
  • avoid meat, dairy products, wheat and sugar
  • increase fiber
  • modulate estrogen
  • avoid caffeine and alcohol
  • avoid refined foods, e-numbers, additives
  • minimize or avoid soy products as they contain high levels of phytoestrogens, and soy contains a particular toxin which seems to be particularly detrimental for women with Endometriosis
  • peel fruit and vegetables to remove toxic chemicals
  • eat organic produce wherever possible
  • drink lots of filtered or mineral water

By following the proper diet, complementing your diet with needed supplements and adopting a moderate exercise program, you should notice an improvement in your symptoms. If symptoms worsen, be sure to contact you doctor immediately.

Friday, May 25, 2012

That (Long and Gruesome) Six-Month Wait

It was around April last year (2011) after almost a year of unsuccessful TTC attempts when we finally decided to seek professional medical help.

Enlisting the help of a doctor friend who holds clinic at the UPMC-FMAB in PGH , she gave us recommendations of specialists in my case, which is an OB-Reproductive Endocrinologist, as endometriosis is believed to be caused by hormonal problems and disruptions in the woman's reproductive system.
Aside from her recommendations, I also did my share of research and inquiry through friends, social networking sites and the Internet.  I found this forum particularly helpful as I became acquainted with the BEST and MOST TRUSTED OBs in the country. I was able to ask questions and learn from the experiences of other women, their successes and failures, giving me an idea what will it be like should I decide to undergo treatments or surgery.

My doctor friend gave us several names of specialists on reproductive endocrinology and infertility. I trust her inkling since a doctor most probably knows better than an ordinary individual without a medical background, not to mention doctors pretty much know WHO'S WHO in their profession.

Finally, we decided to see Dr. Gladys G. Tanangonan.

We scheduled our first consultation with her.  But firstly before that, I made a list of my symptoms (I ticked/checked which among these things I have). It helps to have your questions listed to make most out of the consultation.

TIP: Going to the doctor can be intimidating. One might feel rushed and forget to ask questions that are important. It's always a good idea to know what to ask beforehand and to take notes during the visit. Some of the questions here may be worth asking. Print out this page and take it with you to your next appointment. You may also want to look at this for more idea on finding a specialist for your case and several other things to consider when you make a consultation.

Our first meeting with Dr. Tanangonan was promising. Unlike my previous consultations with other OBs, we found much more hope and reassurance in her words.  She seems to know better about what I'm having and she answers questions straightforwardly but with compassion. She explained thoroughly without the feeling that she's in a hurry. Ours was an interactive conversation where me and my husband felt engaged and participative partners rather than mere recipients and followers of whatever treatment the doctor prescribes.

Obviously, we want to have a baby. So she thought of giving us a contact schedule: when and how often should we do the baby dance :D She said that sometimes, it's all about the proper timing and awareness of a woman's menstrual cycle and ovulation that determines her fertility and when she is most likely to conceive. So there goes the schedule which to me seemed mechanical.  Nevertheless, we should follow :-)

That first cycle was a failure, we didn't conceive despite strictly abiding by the schedule. Probably because me and my husband were just not so solved with the idea of having contact on schedule plus the pressure that goes with it: "This has to be!"

We were amenable to the idea of combination treatment, meaning not resorting to surgery immediately without trying other conservative options. First, our goal is to stop the menses so that the cyst won't grow to cause more problems. First she had me on Diane pills.  (My previous OB prescribed Althea which is relatively cheaper than Diane.  I think I was able to finish a few blister packs of Althea and just one pack of Diane because I didn't like it's effect on me.)
Diane 35
After that, Dr. Tanangonan said she plans to give me GnRH agonist (Luprolex) once for 6 months.  A shot costs PhP9,000.00.
Luprolex Vial 1.88 mg. 
Our next option would be a laparoscopic procedure where she will probe inside my uterus using small incisions to make a proper diagnosis of my condition (to determine the stage of my endo) in addition to fulgurating the cyst/s and removing adhesions.

It was May of 2011 when I had my first shot of Luprolex. It was quite a good thing that I'm less than 50kg that a half dose will be just fine for me, so it saved us a lot. The doctor told me I shouldn't go over 50 or the drug might not be as effective.  Oh sure, with all the expenses I am compelled to defer my food trips and curb my cravings instantly.

I shouldn't be having my period the following month and that is June but to my surprise it came as usual though not as painful, with less blood clots and not heavier as it used to be. I was a bit alarmed coz after 2 weeks I still have spotting. I told my OB about it and she was quick to note that some experience flare ups with the initial dose and will subsequently subside after the next doses were given. She reminded me to take 2 caps of calcium everyday (1,000 mg) as the drug has an effect on bones (it can cause osteoporosis because it mimics menopause).

For couple of months, my moods were unpredictable. I had hot flushes then there were times I felt really cold. My joints were painful and I had numbing lower back pains. I felt my bones were getting weaker and brittle :( I lost weight unintentionally: from 50kg., I was 43kg after just a few months . I looked haggard and frail. My clothes didn't seem to fit my tiny physique I need an immediate wardrobe makeover.

My last shot was in October.  My period should resume by November (shivers...not again!) After that, I'm scheduled to have my trans-vaginal ultrasound on the 3rd-5th day of my menstruation to check the progress of my treatment. My doctor said that we can also have the HSG done to check if there are blockages in my fallopian tubes. She quoted me around PhP15K for the procedure. Geesh.

November came and still no signs of Aunt Flo visiting.  To me this is partly good.  No painful abdominal cramps, no sleepless nights, practically no limits to what I can least for now.  But heck! This is also alarming.  What happened? Did the treatment ruin my cycle? Were my hormones disrupted and thwarted by my attempt to go into pseudo-menopause? Will I ever get my period back? Oh noes.

November flew just as fast and in came December (shivers....again and again).  I knew it was coming. I was preparing with the thought of reintroducing myself to the kind of pain and agony I once had (but never ever missed!). Six months seemed long but I'm prepared for this. I know its just around the corner so I said to myself, "Let's get it on!"

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Did you know that every three minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer? Do you think estrogen dominance affects women only? Think again! Although there are numerous reasons why women predominantly experience estrogen dominance (use of birth control, menopause and pregnancy), both men and women are increasingly affected by estrogen dominance. 

Dr. Harry Eidenier, Jr., Ph.D., states, “We are swimming in a sea of environmental xenoestrogens.” Xenoestrogens are environmental, man-made chemicals that have a chemical structure similar to estrogen that accumulate in fatty human tissue.

Sources of Xenoestrogens

Car pollution 
Contaminated water
Non-organic foods (particularly animal fats from dairy and meat)
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), Polycarbonate plastic bottles, food containers, baby bottles
Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
Some shampoos, lotions, toiletries and deodorants

The longer these foreign substances stay in your body the more opportunity they have to do damage. Your body has to detoxify these xenoestrogen chemicals every day, and over time this can become a burden.

The estrogen compound 2-hydroxyestrone is considered the ‘good’ estrogen, and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone is considered the ‘bad’ estrogen. The importance is the ratio of these two estrogens. This can be determined through a simple urine test, 2/16 OH estrogen. Estrogen in general tends to promote cell division, particularly in hormone-sensitive tissue (breast and uterine lining). 

Excess estrogens in your body not only lead to aromatization, but estrogen dominant health issues including uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts, menstrual irregularities such as heavy bleeding and cramps, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms, breast, uterine, cervical and prostate cancer, and reduced sperm counts in men.

Aromatase is an enzyme found in estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose or fat tissue and the brain.

Factors that Raise Estrogen and Cause Aromatization

Age increases aromatase activity
Carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance–this affects the adrenals and all other major hormone levels (the hormone you have the most control over is insulin–this is controlled through your diet. Hormones do not act independently). Insulin increases aromatase.
Consuming a diet of processed soy and non-organic foods loaded with xenoestrogens, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.
Food sensitivities
Heavy metal toxicity (arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, cobalt, aluminum, and mercury).
Illegal drugs such as marijuana or prescription drug side effects–especially diuretics, anti-depressants, steroid, and liver activity drugs.
Liver congestion and function changes–Elevated AST and ALT values.
Low protein intake
Obesity–High estrogen is present in most obese people of all ages. Obesity in males = 25 percent body fat or greater. Obesity in females = 30 percent body fat of greater.
Overuse of marijuana and alcohol–this equals higher blood sugar, triglycerides, and estrogens.
Plastics, PCBs, pesticides, soaps, emulsifiers, skin care products, lotions, cosmetics and household cleaning products containing xenoestrogens, pesticides and other chemicals.
Stress–if cortisol demand is too high, pregnenolone will be shunted to produce cortisol at the expense of other hormones.
Zinc deficiency. Low levels of zinc have been linked to enlarged prostates and less than desirable levels of testosterone. Contact me for a zinc taste test to measure your zinc status.

Symptoms/Conditions Associated with Increased Estrogen

Allergies and food sensitivities
Breast, prostate and cervical cancers
Decreased libido
Depression and/or fatigue
Early menstruation cycles for young girls
Endometriosis, fibroids, hormone dominant cancers (breast, prostate)
Fat gain around the hips, thighs and waist (men and women)
Infertility and/or miscarriage
Moobs (known as man boobs)–Excess fat or breast growth in men is a definitive indication of high estrogen in relation to their testosterone. This is often combined with insulin resistance.
Estrogen dominance in men contributes to hair loss, atherosclerosis, prostrate problems, lowered libido and impotency.
For women battling fibrocystic breast disease it is important to eliminate any and all sources of caffeine from their diet. Some women can drink all the coffee they want and not have fibrocystic breast problems, but unfortunately, women with fibrocystic breast problems are always caffeine-sensitive. Women with fibrocystic breast disease and other estrogen dominant conditions are often deficient in iodine and often require more iodine than others do. Both the thyroid and breast have high concentrations of iodine.

The American Institute for Cancer Research says one-third of cancer could be prevented by healthy nutrition, consistent exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight. External estrogens can be eliminated through diet, supplements and lifestyle changes.

Reduce Cancer Risk and Estrogen Dominance with Nutrition, Lifestyle, Exercise and Supplements


• Alkalize your blood by eating approximately 80 percent of your diet from alkaline foods. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Consume organic foods versus conventional due to their abundance of synthetic pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, etc. Grass-fed, free-range, hormone-free, antibiotic-fee meats. Organic fruits and vegetables contain 50-80 percent more nutrients than conventionally raised produce. 
Cruciferous vegetables–broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage. In an animal study at the University of Michigan, it was found that sulforaphane, a compound founding broccoli sprouts, eliminated breast cancer stem cells
Fiber from vegetables and low-glycemic fruits. Fiber may help reduce the amount of circulating estrogen in your body.
Drink only purified water and add unprocessed sea salt. Invest in a water filter.
Green tea (at least three cups daily). The EGCG in green tea helps prevent breast cancer.
Keep insulin levels low.
Mushrooms–A study published in the International Journal of Cancer discovered that women who ate 10 grams of button mushrooms/day were 64 percent less likely to develop breast cancer.
Organic, extra virgin olive oil.
Read the entire list of ingredients on all products. You’ll be surprised at the number of chemicals, colorings and artificial ingredients.
Walnuts–the omega-3 fatty acid, phytosterol and antioxidant combination found in walnuts have been shown to prevent cancer.
Alcohol in excess.
Artificial sweeteners and food additives and chemicals.
Caffeinated products in excess (coffee, tea, chocolate).
Deli and luncheon meats, and anything else that contains sodium nitrates.
Non-organic meats and dairy products.
Excess iron, especially after age 50.
Overcooked foods.
• Processed soy products.
Storing your food and beverages in plastic containers; the estrogen-like compounds in the plastic can make their way into the foods and liquids. Instead use Pyrex glass containers.  
Refined carbohydrates, trans fats, sugars, HFCS and hydrogenated vegetable oils, Sugar is a food source for cancer. A study in the Journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention found that refined carbohydrates (white flour, sugar and high fructose corn syrup) are linked to cancer. The study of more than 1,800 women in Mexico found that those who got 57 percent or more of their total energy intake from refined carbohydrates had a 220 percent higher risk of breast cancer than women who ate more balanced diets.


 Breastfeeding versus formula feeding. According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, women with a history of breast cancer are 59 percent less likely to reduce their risk of breast cancer simply by breastfeeding their child.
Reduce your body fat.
Determine your hormone levels.
Suggested urine test: 2/16 OH estrogen (this inexpensive test measures estrogen metabolites). A low 2/16 indicates a high risk of estrogen sensitive cancers
Go braless occasionally. Bras restrict the flow of lymph glands.
Improve your mood naturally and get off antidepressants which raises aromatase.
Campaign against pesticide use in schools and workplaces. Children are especially susceptible to the effects of xenoestrogens.
Monthly breast self-exams and breast massage.
Sleep between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. for 7-8 hours of restful sleep.
Sleep in complete darkness.
Spend time in a sauna at least once a week.
Spend time outdoors in sunlight without sunscreen 10-30 minutes daily.
Work a first shift.
Test for heavy metal toxicity.
Store plastic water bottles in a cool dark place.
Use natural pest control in your home and garden.
Test iron and ferritin levels extra iron is toxic as we age, a potent oxidant, increasing free radicals and raises risk of cancer.
Thermography uses an infrared camera, and is risk-free (no radiation) and painless. Thermograms can detect the possibility of breast cancer earlier, whereas mammograms cannot detect a tumor until it’s been growing for years.
Use organic soaps and toothpastes (fluoride-free).
Use only naturally based perfumes. Most perfumes are petrochemically based.
Be aware of noxious gases from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, etc. Computer monitors can emit a high level of electromagnetic force (EMF).

Suggested serum lab tests are Female Hormone Profile: Pregnenolone, Total Estrogens, DHEA-S, Progesterone, Testosterone (total); Male Hormone Profile: Pregnenolone, Total Estrogens, DHEA, Progesterone, Bioavailable Testosterone, Testosterone (total and free); Male: PSA (Test at age 50 for Caucasian; age 40 for African American); Both male and female: Thyroid panel: T3 Uptake, T4 and TSH; Vitamin D– 5 (OH)D

Avoid new carpet-it can give off noxious fumes.
Avoid X-rays as much as possible. Opt for safer, more effective thermograms. 
Fabric softeners–they put petrochemicals directly on your skin.
Synthetic flea shampoos, flea collars and flea pesticides for your pets and homes.
Chemicals. There are at least 200 known chemicals that studies have shown are linked to breast cancer:
View the list here.
Avoid creams, lotions and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens and stearal konium chloride. Cheap brands usually have more toxic ingredients.
Avoid nail polish and nail polish removers.
Estrogen precursors such as plastic bottless. Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a widely used industrial chemical that has been directly linked to reproductive abnormalities and an increased risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes and heart disease.

Regarding pesticide exposure, the molecular structure of some pesticides closely resembles that of estrogen. This means they may attach to receptor sites in your body. It’s a known fact that women with elevated levels of pesticides in their breast tissue have a greater breast cancer risk.


Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Daily, sensible exercise and deep breathing provide more oxygen down to the cellular level. Include walking, rebounder and strength training. Bouncing on a rebounder for two minutes every hour is good therapy for preventing or treating cancer. One hour after rebounding, white blood cells count normalizes.

Rebounding every hour boosts your immune system by flushing the lymphatic system. Exercise balances your insulin levels. Controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risks.

Rebounding on a mini trampoline to increase lymphatic circulation and detox
Exercise one hour daily. Consistent physical exercise reduces breast cancer risk according to numerous studies.
Lift weights three times per week. Higher levels of strength are associated with a decreased risk of cancer.


These supplements should be part of everyone’s supplement protocol to prevent disease and improve health.
Omega-3 fish oils–make sure you supplement with a quality brand that is free of toxic heavy metals, PCBs and other chemicals. Research published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention showed that postmenopausal women who take fish oil supplements may lower their rish of the most common type of breast cancer (invasive ductal breast cancer) by a whopping 32 percent.
Vitamin D–prevents and reduces 78 percent of all cancers. Vitamin D suppresses growth of breast cancer by blocking and enhancing signals that inhibit cancer cell growth and by altering gene regulators of the cell cycle.
Calcium d-glucarate supports liver detoxification of excess estrogen. The liver also needs B vitamins, particularly B6, to detoxify excess estrogen.
Ensure healthy gut flora with probiotics.
Evening Primrose or borage oil.
Green tea.
Increase progesterone levels with herbs such as Chaste tree berry. Bioidentical progesterone decreases the risk of breast cancer.
Iodine/Iodide combination.
ResveratrolThe Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry demonstrated high anti-tumor and estrogenic activity of resveratrol. Researchers compared resveratrol to other phytoestrogens and found that it increased cancer-cell death more than any of the others.

Natural Aromatase Inhibitors (natural estrogen blockers)


Calcium d-glucarate–helps liver detoxify excess estrogen out of the liver (500mg 3x/day)
DIM–helps breakdown and metabolize estrogen (Women: 100-200 mg/day; Men: 200-400mg/day)
Grapeseed extract (reduces up to 80 percent of aromatase)
Green tea
Indole-3 Carbinol
Melatonin–anti-aromatase inhibitor (1mg) & potent antioxidant
Myomin-an aromatase inhibitor that effectively reduces excess estradiol & reduces fibroid cysts.
Nettle Root–blocks estrogen uptake in the prostate
Passion Flower
Resveratrol–natural anti-aromatase inhibitor & block estrogen receptor sites

Synthetic supplements and prescription drugs.
Excessive iron through supplements, diet and cast iron cookware. Iron is toxic as we age.

If you’re using birth control pills or synthetic estrogens such as Premarin educate yourself on what these drugs do to your body, particularly your hormonal system, your gut and your immune system. Provera has been linked to blood clots, fluid retention, acne, rashes, weight gain, depression, certain cancers and other disorders.

Anti-estrogen drugs such as Tamoxifen, a selective estrogen receptive modulator. This drug comes with a number of side effects including blood clots, strokes, dizziness, hot flashes, sexual problems, stroke, cataracts, leg swelling, mood swings and vision problems according to The National Cancer Institute. Tamoxifen has also been linked to endometrial and uterine cancer. Research shows tamoxifen increases the risk of the women developing a second and far more dangerous type of breast cancer by a stunning 440 percent published in the journal, Cancer Research.

Estrogen dominance is complex health condition, however by implementing and following the Winning Formulas above you can decrease estrogen dominance and reduce your risk of estrogen dominant cancers. Cancer may be caused from environmental factors, diet and genetics. Diet and nutrition, stress management, exercise, and sunlight are preventative measures for 90% of all health related diseases/conditions. Now is the time to take control and responsibility for your health with the four powers: Nutrition, Lifestyle, Exercise and Supplements.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What do endometriosis and fibroids have in common?

This is one of the many questions I had in my mind when I first learned about my condition. 

They both have their place in preventing conception, and both are responsive to estrogen fluctuations. There is no western cure for either, except hysterectomy. Eastern medicine, however, gives them a common denominator - they are both considered processes of inhibited, stagnated uterine blood which doesn't flow freely. The menstruate has become blocked, and the normal process has become obstructed. Women with either of these conditions often experience a sediment-like menstrual flow with dark, brown, clotted, blood which has been allowed to oxidize. The rest of the body responds and the immune system reacts to this silty, old blood. Our neuroendocrine awareness is heightened. Remember, our body's immunologic priority is to keep us safe from external or internal insults. It recognizes the toxic state and mounts chemicals to clean up this debris. It knows that a fetus won't survive in this environment.

Luckily, both conditions respond very well to Chinese medicine. Given time and the proper treatment, the blood flow will improve, the sediment will clear, and the body will overcome its immunologic protective mechanisms. Our psycho-neuro-endocrinologic system will settle down. Our body can relax and allow conception to take place.


Endometriosis is described as the abnormal growth of endometrial tissue outside the endometrium. Endometrial cells are those that are found in the uterine lining. When those cells are found in areas outside of the uterus, the diagnosis of endometriosis is made. Although the disease has been present throughout history, it was first identified in 1860. In 1960 the disease mechanism was first described because of the discovery and use in France of the laparoscope. Endometriosis is therefore a surgical diagnosis. Modern science does not know why endometrial cells are found elsewhere. One theory of its origin is explained by retrograde menstruation. When a woman is supposed to menstruate and blood should be discharged vaginally, it backs up through the tubes and into the abdominal cavity. Yet this happens in most women, and most women do not have endometriosis. Another hypothesis is that anatomic abnormalities such as retroverted uteri and small cervical openings do not allow the blood to pass through freely, and it therefore backs up into other areas of the pelvis.


Another theory of the causative origins of endometriosis is that other cells outside of the uterus are transformed by some unknown stimulus into endometrial cells. Whatever the etiology, the misplaced endometrial cells then respond to hormonal stimulus just like the endometrium is supposed to. But, during menstruation there is no way for this menstrual blood to leave the body. Pain, sometimes very severe, is the result. Prostaglandins are said to be the causative factor in menstrual pain. Painful periods are an indication of possible endometriosis, and women with endometriosis have higher levels of certain of the prostaglandins. The bleeding tissue may also cause adhesions and scar tissue.

Common sites of endometriosis include the cervix, the vaginal-rectal space, ovary, fallopian tubes, colon and bladder wall.

Common accompanying symptoms include dysmenorrhea, pathological uterine bleeding, and bleeding at sites other than the endometrium during menstruation. Some women bleed at sites as distant as the nasopharynx during menstruation and get nosebleeds during the menses. Endometriosis is classified as to its severity.

Mild endometriosis
- implants are small, flat patches of endometrial tissue growing outside of their normal location.
Moderate endometriosis
- includes "chocolate cysts" of endometriosis may be smaller than a pea or larger than a grapefruit, located within the ovary.
Severe endometriosis
- in some cases, bands of fibrous scar tissues (adhesions) bind the pelvic organs together.

Interestingly enough, except for the obvious mechanical obstruction found in severe endometriosis, there seems to be no real correlation between the severity of endometriosis and its impact on fertility. However, as many as half of the women who have been diagnosed with infertility are found to have endometriosis on laparoscopic examination.

Some women, in fact, have no symptoms at all, and diagnosis is only made through laparoscopy. Symptoms which may accompany endometriosis include abnormally heavy bleeding, associated with back pain or severe abdominal cramping, painful intercourse, painful intestinal upset or urination during the menstruation, and the inability to become pregnant.

Western medical treatment usually includes pain relieving medication, laparoscopy and laser removal of the endometrial tissue. Other drugs may be used to control the hormonal stimulation of the endometriosis. As menstruation ceases each month, the misplaced endometrial tissue will be starved of hormonal stimulus, and thus mollify the endometriosis response. Of course, ovulation is also halted in this process, which defeats our present purpose.

The Traditional Chinese Medical View and Treatment of Endometriosis

Endometriosis and Static Blood
Endometriosis is not a disease category in Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, our Eastern healers have recognized this disease for far longer than its identification in Western medicine. It is known by its symptoms and is referred to as menstrual movement pain. It is also very amenable to natural forms of treatment.

The Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essentials from the Golden Cabinet), "Women's Miscellaneous Diseases' Pulse, Pattern & Treatment" chapter, has this description: "The menstrual blood is inhibited and there is (resulting) lower abdominal fullness and pain."

Chinese medicine categorizes endometrial lesions as static blood, or blood which is not flowing as it should, and thus causes problems. This is not so different from our Western understanding of the same disease. Since the maligned blood is located in an vicinity where normal blood flow is often absent or minimal, our body has a tougher time resolving it. The Chinese therefore say that these conglomerations of static blood have entered the network vessels, which are more difficult to reach. This is one important aspect in how we will approach this syndrome.

Other countries throughout the rest of the world recognize endometriosis as an autoimmune disease. The famous gynecologist Dr. Ni reported that in her experience as a M.D. gynecologist in China, most women upon whom she performed laparoscopies had some degree of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus, which was found at various locales throughout the abdominal category. What sets aside women with fertility impaired endometriosis is the "osis" or inflammatory reaction which has resulted from the presence of the endometrial tissue outside its original intended site.

The inflammatory reaction which the body has set up in response to the endometrial tissue in an attempt to "clean it up", makes the immune system reactive to the cells that make up the uterine lining. The fault then begins to reside in the immune system, which is unable to eradicate the misplaced tissue. The immune system then loses its discriminatory control, and can't distinguish between self and non-self. As far as fertility is concerned, this creates a toxic environment in the uterus, not conducive to an implanting embryo.

An immunopharmacological study of an antiendometriotic herbal medicine known as Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, was conducted by four researchers at the Osaka City University Medical School in Japan.

The patients with endometriosis were found to have elevated serum levels of Immunoglobulin M antibody titers. A control group was treated with leuproride acetate therapy to suppress hormonal production (a common western approach for endometriosis is to suppress the hormonal stimulus). The treated group was given the antiemdometriotic herbal formula Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan, which consists of Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae, Sclerotium Poriae Cocos, Radis Paeoniae, Cortex Moutan Radicis, and Semen Persicae. This formula was historically used in China to treat bleeding during pregnancy due to blood stasis in the womb, or to prevent miscarriage. Later indications include the treatment of immunologic and inflammatory conditions of the uterus including dysmenorrhea, leiomyomas (uterine fibroids), ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic inflammatoy disease and salpingitis, and endometriosis.

The lupron treated group had lowered levels of estradiol, but no change in the IgM antibody titer. The treated group had no changes in estradiol levels, but the levels of IgM antibody titer were decreased and the patients were kept symptom free for months.

From, "A Study on the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea with Jia Wei Mo Jia Tang (Added Flavors Myrrh & Dragon's Blood Decoction) and Its Affect on Prostaglandins and Related Factors" by Zhu Nan-Sun, Huang Hui, & Chen Hui-Lin, Ahong Yi Za Zhi (The Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine), #2, 1994, p. 99-101:

This article reports on the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea in 95 women who were divided into two groups. One group received the herbal formula Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang as treatment for their dysmenorrhea and the other group, which acted as a control group, received indomethacin. In addition, serum levels of various prostaglandins were compared before and after treatment with 30 women who were considered normal. The authors begin this report by stating that the disease mechanism related to primary dysmenorrhea is stasis. Therefore, Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang's intended purpose is to invigorate the blood and transform stasis, break the qi and move stagnation. However, from a modern Western medical point of view, this treatment achieves its effect by regulating serum prostaglandins.

All 95 of the women in this study who received treatment suffered from primary dysmenorrhea. The 30 women who were considered normal did not have any period pain and had normal, biphasic basal body temperatures. Of those suffering from painful periods, 87 cases had menstrual cycles which lasted from 25-35 days, while eight cases had menstrual cycles lasting from 35-45 days. Four cases had scanty menses, 56 medium menses, and 35 cases had excessively heavy menses. Ninety women's periods lasted seven days or less and fivce cases lasted more than seven days. In terms of the disease course, 31 cases had dysmenorrhea for less than five years, 47 cases for five to ten years, and seventeen cases for more than ten years. In addition, 20 cases experienced pain before the onset of their periods, 89 during their periods, and two after their periods. Five had previously had children and 90 had not been able. In terms of the severity of their pain, 61 suffered from severe pain and 34 from moderate pain. And as for their pattern discrimination, there were 49 cases of qi stagnation with blood stasis, 17 cases of qi stagnation with blood stasis and accompanied by cold, 19 cases of qi stagnation with blood stasis and accompanied by heat, and 10 cases of qi stagnation and blood stasis accompanied by vacuity.

Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang consisted of uncooked pollen typhae, Feces Trogpterori Seu Pteromi, Pericarpiuym Citri Reticulatae Viride, Rhizoma Sparganii, Rhizoma Curcumae Zedoariae, Fructus Crataegi, Resina Olibani, Resina Myrrhae, and powdered Sanguis Draconis.

The 63 women in the group which received Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang were given 50 ml of this decoction orally two times per day beginning two weeks before the due date of their period as calculated by the rise in their basal body temperature. Since administration was continued through the first day of their period, the total number of days this decoction was administered each cycle was 15, and one course of treatment equaled three months.

The 32 women in the group which received indomethacin were given this medication beginning three days before the onset of their period or 12 days after their basal body temperature went up. They took 25 mg. of indomethacin orally, three times per day. Since they also took this medication during the first day of their periods, they took imdomethacin for a total of four days per cycle, and one course of treatment also lasted three months. The 30 normal women did not receive any medication during the course of this study.

In the Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang group, before treatment, 39 had severe pain and 24 moderate pain. After treatment, two cases still had severe pain, 17 experienced moderate pain, and 18 cases slight pain. In the indomethacin group, 22 had severe pain and 10 moderate pain. After treatment 1 had severe pain, 9 moderate pain, and 17 slight pain. Thus the amelioration rate for the Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang group was 80.4% as compared to 73.3% for the indomethacin group.

In terms of serum analysis, there was a positive correlation between the severity of dysmenorrhea and PGF 2a and PGE contents in the menstrual blood. Jia Wei Mo Jie Tang substantially decreased the blood contents of and the ratio between PGF 2a and PGE 2. Further, it markedly lowered the content of medium phase E 2 ( a type of estrogen) secreted by the corpus luteum and found in the peripheral blood but markedly increased the content of late phase progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum. Indomethacin, on the other hand, demonstrated no marked effect on estrogen or progesterone.

Categories for treating endometriosis, or dysmenorrhea are further divided as:

1. Qi Stagnation
2. Damp heat stasis and stagnation
3. Spleen qi vacuity
4. Kidney yang vacuity
5. Blood vacuity
6. Mixed Heat & Cold; Vacuity and Repletion - includes qi and or yang vacuity, blood stasis and qi stagnation. [For this category, if it includes digestive complaints and presentation includes a patchy tongue coating (geographic tongue), the Prescription Wu Mei Wan has been found to be emperically effective.]

In each case, the pattern must be treated, using dietary principles, herbal categories and acupressure treatments based upon the diagnostic presentation.

Endometriosis is an enduring disease; stasis entering the deeper, network vessels. When an enduring disease enters the network vessels it is wise to employ the use of resins like frankincense and myrrh with treatment.

The Jing Yue Quan Shu ([Zhang] Jing-yue's Complete Writings), "Women's Regulation: Blood Conglomerations" chapter states:

Static blood which is retained and stagnates eventually becomes concretions. This pattern may be casued during the period or postpartum and may be due to internal damage engendering chill, external invasion of wind cold, rage and anger damaging the liver, qi counterflow and blood stagnation, long-standing taxation, long-standing weakness, and qi weakness not moving [the blood.] Therefore, sometimes the blood stirs and sometimes it has almost nothing. It may also counterflow, thus leading to retention and stagnation which accumulates for days, gradually becoming concretions.

The Zheng Zhi Zheng Sheng (Patterns & Treatments Proven Restraing), "Blood Conglomerations" chapter states (paraphrased):

If there is gathering of blood conglomeration, there will be low back pain and inability to bend, accumulation of qi below the pubic bone, stone-like hardness, tension inside the lower abdomen, bitter pain, upper back spine pain penetrating to and reaching the low back and abdomen, spasms within the vagina, a secluded cervix, menstruation behind schedule. This disease is found in people with infertility. If treatment precipitates the conglomerations, it can be cured.

The above literary cites and endometriosis all share the same symptoms. In endometriosis there is the production of nodulations and lumps within the body. In TCM, this is related to blood gathering becoming stasis, and stasis accumulation becoming concretions and conglomerations. Most often, the greatest method for treating endometriosis is to quicken the blood and transform stasis. In all cases, the underlying pattern must be treated as well.

Endometriosis is also correlated with a scenario of estrogen dominance. Estrogen feeds endometriosis. Many women with endometriosis also have lower levels of progesterone as well. It is therefore important to help the body clear itself if excess estrogens. The liver metabolizes estrogen; therefore using methods which resolve liver qi stagnation will assist the body in clearing excess estrogen. Use stimulation on the acupuncture points Joining Valley, located between the bulge between the base of the thumb and first finger bone on each hand, and Great Rushing, found in the depression on the foot approximately one inch up from the web between the big and second toes.
Uterine Fibriods

Uterine Fiboids or myomas are benign tumors found in approximately 20% of women over 35 years of age. Uterine myomas are the most common neoplasm of the female reproductive organs, and are associated with menstrual pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and fertility problems.

Fibroids may impair conception if they obstruct the uterine cavity or the entrance into the uterus from the fallopian tubes.

One chinese study conducted by Zhongli and Shurong used Traditional Chinese Medicinals to treat 223 cases of uterine fibroids. All patients had conspicuous symptoms and were diagnosed clinically by pelvic examination and confirmed by ultrasonography.
·         Treatment was provided according to the diffentiation of the pattern of imbalance, involving the principles of invigorating the blood and eliminating blood stasis, clearing heat, and suftening the induration.

·         Those diagnosed with yin deficiency and liver fire were also given herbs to supplement the yin and clear liver fire.

·         Those diagnosed with spleen qi vacuity were also given herbs to supplement the spleen qi such as codonopsis and astragalus.

·         Medicinal herbs were added for qi and blood stagnation.

·         The herbs were administered after menstruation. The authors reported a 72% reduction in the quantity of menstrual blood. Symptoms like abdominal pain, leukorrhea, and backache were improved in 58.8%. The overall effectiveness rate was 92.4%. Myomas completely disappeared in 13% of the cases, were markedly diminished in 29%, slightly reduced in 19%, and unchanged in 28%.

Acupuncture and acupressure are also recommended in the treatment of fibroids, using those points recommended for blood stasis and the uterus. The stimulation provided by the acupuncture has been found to induce the regression of pathologic proliferating cells locally. Humoral factors at a distally stimulated acupoint which control and prevent local overgrowth of regenerating and proliferating cells (those that invigorate the blood) also systemically affect the growth of distant tumors.

As with all Chinese Medical treatments, however, the most efficacious results will result from treating the pattern. I treated a woman for a large fibroid (the size of a grapefruit), and the tumor shrunk, only in response to tonifying her spleen and resolving dampness. When I tried to invigorate the blood, I got no effect at all.

Other Natural Treatments for Endometriosis and Uterine Fibriods
·         Rest and wear loose, comfortable clothing

·         Perform deep breathing exercises and meditative practices

·         Take warm baths (with aromatherapy if you wish.)

·         Use essential oils like frankincense, myrrh, clary sage, peppermint, lavendar, rosemary, juniper and thyme.

·         Use a heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen

·         Apply warm castor oil packs on your abdomen to invigorate the blood, assist the lymphatic symptom and balance hormone levels. Apply warm castor oil to the lower abdomen and cover with plastic wrap two to three times per day during the premenstrual and menstrual period.

·         Take herbal supplements that invigorate the blood (and those for resolving concomitant patterns as applicable.)

·         Avoid all foods which have been treated hormonally.

·         Consume soy and soy products like tofu.

·         Buy only organic fruits and vegetables.

·         Avoid refined, rancid and hydrogenated oils.

·         Use only unprocessed plant sources of essential fatty acids.

·         Use oils rich in both linoleic and alpha-linolenic fatty acids such as flax-seed, pumpkin-seed and chia-seed oils, but only if they are recently cold-pressed and refined.

·         Include dietary spirulina, evening primrose oil, and oil from black currant and borage seeds.

·         Avoid sources of arachodonic acid, which comes from animal meats, dairy products, eggs, peanuts and seaweed.

·         Decrease the amount of dietary animal products, except fish.

·         If you do consume meat, make sure it is at least organic, and not hormonally treated.

·         Eat walnuts, dark greens, saffron and cold crimate crops.

·         Foods which are especially good for resolving blood stasis include: Kelp, lemons, limes, onions, irish moss, and bladderwrack.

Supplement your diet with antioxidants (vitamins C, E, beta carotene, selenium, zinc) Include super-antioxidants (grape seed extract, pine bark extract, red wine extract, bilberry extract), which contain procyanidins, caffeic and ferulic acid, with demonstrated antiinflammatory and spasmolytic activity (Kohama, M.D., and Suzuki, M.D.)

Fibroids and endometriosis benefit from the use of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Fish oil and linseed oil are good sources of these Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil prevents abnormal blood clotting. If your menstrual blood contains clotty tissue, supplement with fish oil, linseed oil and evening primrose oil (which also contain gamma linolenic acid or Omega 6).

Meditation and Visualization for Blood Statis in the Uterus

Exercise 1 - for the follicular phase

Perform this exercise daily, between the first day of menstruation until ovulation only.

Step 1. Lay down, on your back, with your eyes closed. Relax and breathe deeply. Notice any areas of tension you feel in your body from your head to your neck, down your arms and hands, through your torso, down your abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves and feet. Tense the tight areas in your body even more, one by one. Breathe in, inhaling deeply down into your lower abdomen. Push your stomach out as you breathe in. Focus your attention on the tension in your body, then tighten the muscles in the area even more, and relax them fully as your exhale. Exhale all the way, deflating your abdomen when you breathe out. Breathe the tension in your body out through the breath.

Focus your attention on the tension, the breath, and the relaxation. Nothing more. When the tension in that particular part of your body is gone, move on to the next part. When you feel relaxed throughout your body, and your mind is clear, begin the visualization. Continue the deep breathing exercise, breathing deep into your abdomen and relaxing with each exhalation.

Step 2. Now focus the breathe down into the pelvis. Breathe into your uterus. Let the uterus draw the breath in itself. Let these breaths be cleansing. The uterus has one energetic function. It is downward. It takes the blood and the breath in through the top, and lets them out downward through the bottom. Think of the uterus as a receptive, sponge-like organ. It draws in blood and energy through the breath to prepare a garden-like home for implantation. Picture a lush, green, mossy garden. With every breath in, you bring purifying energy in through the top of the uterus. With every exhalation, breathe out any impurities downward through the bottom of the uterus. Any pain, any toxins, any impurities are released downward, with each breath. You are helping to prepare these luxurious surroundings for implantation. This is a pure, flourishing, abundant home. It is open, receptive, and fertile. It cannot afford to foster toxins. Release them. When your uterus feels pure, open and receptive, you are finished.

Exercise 2 - for the luteal phase
Practice this meditation and visualization from ovulation until menstruation begins.

Perform Step 1 as above.Practice this meditation and visualization from ovulation until menstruation begins.

Step 2. Breathe in very deeply, and concentrate on bringing your breath from your nose and down the midline of your body, between the breasts, down the abdomen, and eventually focusing your breath down to the region two inches below your navel. This is called the Dan Tien. Let the breath energy pool here.

At the end of inhalation, bring the focus from the area below your navel down to the uterus. Breathe in cleansing, purifying breaths to the uterus and then down to the perineal muscles. Perform a kegel exercise, tightening the perineal muscles. This should be a smooth, continuous movement, with cleansing breaths inward. Concentrate on the uterine lining. It is pure, lush, and fertile. It is receptive. Each breath brings fresh, clear energy into the uterus, reviving it with healthy, fertile lining. When you release the kegel, begin exhalation.

During exhalation, turn the focus of your attention from the uterus back to the tip of your tailbone, then up the spine to the top of the head. Your concentration now is on the upward movement. Exhalation should end focusing your attention down the midline of the head and out the nose. Repeat from the beginning of step 2 with each new inhalation, until the process becomes one smooth, continuous movement.

About the Author

Randine Lewis, MSOM, L.Ac., Ph.D., a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, has studied both Eastern and Western medicine. After suffering from "infertility" herself, she earned her graduate and post-graduate degrees in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, always focusing on fertility enhancement. In addition to resolving her own fertility issues, she has helped thousands of women throughout the world - with natural, health enhancing methods. She lectures, and publishes articles for RESOLVE, the American Infertility Association, and medical organizations, and is a medical expert on numerous online fertility boards.

Dr. Lewis authored "The Infertility Cure, the Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies", and has appeared on multipe radio and television shows throughout the country, all featuring her successes in helping women conceive with Traditional Chinese Medicine.

She now offers her phenomenal treatment methods, combined with the mind-body medical program for overcoming infertility in her fertility enhancing retreats, which take place in Austin, Texas at The Crossings in 2006.  Each patient receives a thorough Eastern medical evaluation, and dietary, nutritional and herbal plans based upon this individual diagnosis.

For details regarding retreats or Dr. Lewis' speaking availability, please visit or call 713-869-8842.